Board of Financial and Capital Market Commission restricts Trasta komercbanka activities

FCMC on 22.01.2016 decided to impose restrictions on the activities of the joint stock company "Trasta komercbanka", forbidding it from performing debit transactions in any currency, including through online banking, ATMs and by cash, with clients in the amount that exceeds 100 000 euro per depositor.
2016-01-25 02:25:41 | Business news Read more..

Luxembourg and Singapore sign Double Tax Agreement

Luxembourg and Singapore signed DTA on 9 October 2013, meant to prevent double taxation and tax evasion with respect to taxes on income and on capital.
2016-01-18 11:51:38 | Business news Read more..

Hong Kong plans to strengthen the position of financial center in 2016

Head of Administration of Hong Kong Liang Chzhenin announced plans for the development and expansion of the special administrative region as an international financial centre.
2016-01-18 10:43:46 | Business news Read more..

The Union Customs Code: a recast of the Modernised Customs Code

The Union Customs Code was adopted in 2013 as Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council. Its substantive provisions'll apply only on 1 May 2016.
2016-01-11 04:51:01 | Business news Read more..

January 1, 2016 saw the launch of a free trade area between Ukraine and the EU

Reduction of tariffs applicable in the free trade area between the European Union and Ukraine came into force on 1 January 2016.
2016-01-11 04:46:03 | Business news Read more..

UK implementation of the G20 High Level Principles on Beneficial Ownership Transparency

UK is fully committed to implementing FATF Recommendations and in particular recognises importance of transparency of beneficial ownership information.
2016-01-04 04:29:26 | Business news Read more..
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